Integrated Production Information Management System
Have you ever thought of whether the data produced in your company is accurate? Which methods do you apply for the integrity of your data? How do you calculate the final value of your product? Which criteria do you take into account for assessing the productive capacity? Which actions do you want to take for reducing costs? Is the most up-to-date product data available to you at any time?
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Integrated Shareholder Management System
Is the number of your shareholders growing constantly? Is the compilation and classification of their data exhausting? Are you looking for a solution to optimize the process of capital growth and dividend payments?
Certainly the market offers a wide range of software systems in this field. However, our software does not only provide all various functions you require, but also contains a user-friendly interface and a unique design.
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Customer Relationship Management Software
How do you keep your relationship to your customers? Do you know the needs and desires of your target group? To what extent are your services tailored to your customers’ needs? How do you give them information on your consumer incentive programs?
Take advantage of this potential and strengthen your customer relationships. Our CRM-Software assists you in identifying, organizing and sorting of your customer data. This valuable information offers you the opportunity to increase customer satisfaction and as a result of which customer loyalty is strengthened.
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Sales Management Software
Haben Sie bereits die Expansion Ihres Unternehmen innerhalb Deutschlands oder sogar international vorangetrieben? Dann ist die Zeit gekommen, die neuesten Vertriebsinformationen zu Ihren Gütern in kürzester Zeit und bequem abzurufen. Genießen Sie Ihren Arbeitsalltag und reduzieren Sie Ihren Zeitaufwand mithilfe unserer Vertriebssoftware.
Sie ist äußerst benutzerfreundlich gestaltet und bietet Ihnen zugleich die Möglichkeit, Echtzeit-Berichte bequem abzurufen.
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Integrated Business Planning and Control System
Do you have access to the financial data of the subsidiaries of your holding company? Are the financial managers able to easily pass on the information to the holding company? How do you ensure the integrity of your financial data? Is your financial data safe? Our Integrated Business Planning and Control System supports you extensively in your decisions.
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Accounting Software
How do you do your financial reporting? Are the user interfaces too complex and the report creation stressful? You want to have combined all essential commercial functions in a single interface?
We offer you an Accounting Software which has successfully solved numerous problems of experts in this field. This powerful software is able to check the documents for errors automatically and also provides the opportunity to define basic data.
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Some customers who we have had the privilege of working with them